We'd love you to get stuck in with what we're doing! Check out our Instagram for more info:

ECU Weekly
Central is our weekly meeting for ECU members, although anyone is welcome! We come together in worship, hear important notices, and have a talk given by guests from a wide range of faith backgrounds, which often focus on applying God’s Word practically in our university lives.
Examples of previous talks include: living in God’s strength, pursuing God when I’m tired, dealing with worry, and the transforming power of the gospel. Each Central is run by our amazing president and vice president: Josh & Eve!
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Check Instagram weekly for confirmed location

Run by our wonderful prayer secretary Alice, prayer meetings take place weekly on Monday afternoons. We meet together to pray over the weekly events in the ECU, as well as giving thanks for the works God has done, and giving opportunity for personal prayers.
Prayer meetings are a great way to grow in faith and draw closer in relationship with God. There are always snacks and pastries provided, so why not come along?
Day: Mondays
Time: 1:30pm
Place: Check Instagram weekly for confirmed location
Meeting for weekly Bible studies, and socials, hall groups are amazing communities for freshers wanting to meet other Christians living in their halls. The studies are run by second-year students who lived in halls the year before, so they can answer questions that you may have about living at uni.
Hall groups are also a really great way to reach out to non-Christian friends while in first year, so please invite them along to hear God’s word!
All first-years are welcome and we'd love you to get involved - our freshers page has more info.

Globe Café is the weekly international ministry run in partnership with Friends International. Abigail, our lovely international secretary, leads Globe Café at Belmont chapel every Monday.
Each week we have a different and exciting theme, from St Patrick’s celebrations, to board games evenings, to dessert nights!
All international students are welcome and it is free to attend! Join the facebook group for more information!
Day: Mondays
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Belmont Chapel EX1 2DB

As the ECU, we want to serve campus with actions as well as words, and Club Outreach is the perfect way to bless other students. Taking place on Friday nights, Club Outreach takes place on the main drive up to Lafrowda. We serve sandwiches and drinks to students coming home from nights out and making sure they get home safely.
Day: Fridays (dependent on volunteers, message to sign up!)
Time: 11pm - Late
Place: Lafrowda Main Drive

The Big Question, ‘TBQ’, is our ministry tackling the tough questions about Christianity. Each week will be centred around a specific question and different speakers will come to give a talk over a free lunch with a Q&A afterwards to answer any questions you might have. Join us at lunchtimes on Thursdays and invite friends!
If you want to find out more or get involved, contact Nat Marshall, Joseph Clarke or Hannah McCloskey
Day: Thursdays
Time: 12:30pm
Place: Check Instagram weekly for confirmed location

Acts 17 is an evangelism ministry that exists to tell people the good news of Jesus Christ on campus in a 1 to 1 evangelism setting. The message we spread is simply that Jesus died on the cross for everyone's wrongdoings. He was buried and then rose again. God is righteous and holy as much as he is loving and accepting. Our wrongdoing in life should mean that we are separated from the perfect and holy God, barring us from Heaven. But Jesus took this punishment on himself by dying on the cross. Because of this we now have access to eternal relationship with God in Heaven if we choose to repent and believe in him.
We operate in the forum once a week (days and times to be confirmed, see the weekly ECU noticeboard). We are keen for people with a heart for evangelism to prayerfully consider getting involved in this ministry. Please contact Dan Tavi or Josh Evans to get involved.

Prayer walking is an opportunity for intercession and outreach. We gather together, giving God an hour in our week, seeking God’s will be done and His kingdom come on campus. It is an opportunity to practice listening to the Lord and stepping out in obedience and faith, bringing His light and life with every step.
Walking around campus we follow the nudges of the Holy Spirit and seek God’s guidance, protection and blessings upon the people and places we encounter.
If you wish to join us please contact us the Instagram account or join the groupchat on our WhatsApp Community.

Events week is the biggest week of the year, where the ECU runs events throughout, which explore areas around a particular topic. It's a really exciting week and allows people to come and hear more and ask questions about faith.
There are 3 talks everyday of the week including: short lunchtime talks with a free lunch, international talks, and evening talks complete with free dinners and entertainment. There are also daily prayer meetings and an ECU café, giving out free drinks and cake!
It's a great chance to get super involved in serving, and there are so many opportunities to invite your friends to hear the best news ever, and to chat through any questions that they have.

In October, we head off to beautiful Dartmoor for a few days of talks, seminars, worship, and socialising together. It is a time to take a break from uni and fix our eyes on Jesus.
Highlights include: climbing up Dartmoor tors, bonfire chats, late night worship, wide games, and loads of time spent in God's word.
Barn party is our main outreach event in Term 3, taking place at Honiton Barn. It’s a chance to get dressed up in the summer florals and strap on your dancing shoes (bonus points for cowboy boots!).
The night includes food, a short talk and a traditional Ceilidh. Coaches provide transport to and from Streatham Campus
Barn Party is a great way to celebrate the end of the academic year and is free to guests!!
Every year, the ECU runs a carol service at St James Park Football Stadium (Home of Exeter City FC), and the event is entirely free. Over the last few years we have welcomed thousands of people, both students and members of the public to our carol service.
We have carols accompanied by the Salvation Army band, performances from local musicians and societies, and a relevant talk. It is a staple in the ECU calendar and a great time to meet together, get into the Christmas spirit and hear the word of God.

We're also linked to some other organisations:

Just Love Exeter are a community of Christian students who long to expand the Kingdom of God by equipping themselves and others to fight for justice, and are super excited to serve generously! They host several events across each term including a weekly homeless breakfast, fundraisers for local charities, and dinners that equip and educate us around the Biblical call for justice. We love what they're doing and it would be great to see you at some of their events! Find their Instagram page here.

Christians in Sport is a group for Christian sports players who aspire to reach the world of sport for Christ here at Exeter uni. They meet each week to pray for teammates, read the Bible and explore how their passion for sport and faith in Jesus can go together. Through the year they put on evangelistic events where sports people can hear the good news of Jesus.